EFT For Animals
Originally developed for people, EFT is a modern energy healing technique that works on the energy system, not on the physical body.
Unlike acupressure, you tap or touch very lightly, sending small energy pulses from your healing hands into your energy system, balancing and re-energizing it and clearing blockages as you do so.
Another main difference between the EFT and acupuncture and acupressure is that you use your intention and focus to direct which particular problem you are working on. In energy work, energy flows where attention goes.
In a moment, you will learn how to do EFT on yourself.
- You will shift your own energy system in doing so and relax or release something that you focus your attention on.
When people first find out about Animal EFT, they immediately think that it is about tapping ON animals and ask where they should tap their animals.
Although of course animals do have a meridian system, many of the points are in places where animals truly do not like to be touched, never mind tapped.
The wonderful thing about Animal EFT is that you DON'T tap on the animal directly, but you tap on yourself to make the changes happen.
This is called Proxy Tapping has lots of advantages:
1. You can do it at any time and even anywhere - you do not have to be in the same room with the animal.
2. You can do it much more often than any animal would generally permit.
3. You can help wild animals, animals that don't belong to you, and animals that you can't really touch much, such as birds and fish.
4. Once you have learned the simple technique, you can use it on any problem, on any animal and you don't have to know anything at all about their various meridian systems or points.
3. How Does Proxy Tapping Work?
When you focus your attention on an animal, you connect your energy system with theirs.
When you keep the focus of your attention on a specific aspect of that energy system (a problem, disease, behaviour, state of mind and so on) and you change YOUR system by tapping on the points, YOU ARE ALSO CHANGING THEIRS through the connection.
This was originally discovered when a lady, distraught because she was sitting by the side of her premature baby's incubator and unable to touch him, treated herself for the baby's problems and the baby responded by breathing more easily and slower, and finding from somewhere the will to live and to fight on more strongly than before.
Since then, thousands of people all over the world have been absolutely astonished to find that by tapping on themselves whilst holding another living being's problems in their mind, they can make changes without touching them or even being in the same room.
I don't expect you to believe this right away. I didn't believe it either when I first heard about it. But I tell you, when you neighbour's dog 100 yards away stops barking after an hour just because you have tapped a round of EFT on yourself, a shiver goes down your spine and you KNOW you made that happen as if by magic, it is a real convincer experience for the reality of modern energy work.
So next, here is the Animal EFT protocol for you to try out on any animal you choose.
The Animal EFT Protocol
1. Focus Your Intention: Tuning In
Think about the animal and what specifically you would like to release, soothe or change.
2. Make A Statement Of Intent: The Set Up
Find a phrase or a sentence that describes the problem succinctly and clearly to you. You can say, "Sidney has this terrible allergy." or "Sam never stops barking." or, "This brown horse is distressed." if you don't know the animals' name.
3. Tap The EFT Round
0 = The Heart Centre. This is where we start and finish our round of EFT by placing both hands flat on the centre of the chest in the Heart Healing Position and take three deep breaths in and out. We say the Set Up statement and then we begin to tap.
On each point, you can repeat the original set up or choose a shortened version, the Reminder Phrase, to keep you focused.
Now tap on:
Top Of The Head - The highest point on the top of your head.
Third Eye Point - In the centre of your forehead.
Start Of The Eyebrow - Where the bone behind your eyebrow turns into the bridge of your nose.
Corner Of The Eye - On the bone in the corner of your eye.
Under The Eye - On the bone just below your eye, in line with your pupil if you look straight ahead.
Under The Nose - Between you nose and your upper lip
Under The Mouth - In the indentation between your chin and your lower lip
Under The Collarbone - In the angle formed by your collarbone and the breastbone
Thumb - all finger points are on the side of the finger, in line with the nail bed.
Index Finger
Middle Finger
Ring Finger
Little Finger
Karate Chop Point - on the side of your hand, roughly in line with your life line.
0 = And to finish the round of EFT, back to the Heart Healing Position where we take three deep breaths in and out.
Take a moment now go through the sequence, starting with the Heart Healing position where you take three deep breaths in and out. Then find and touch each point in turn with your index finger.
Touch each point lightly, breathe deeply and simply pay attention to how that feels, and how each point creates all kinds of different sensations you can feel in your body.
The EFT treatment points are stimulated by tapping lightly on them.
Even though we are using our physical hands on our physical body, we are not trying to massage muscles, bones or tissue but instead it is our energy hands tapping on our energy body which produce the results.
- Each individual tap is like closing an electric circuit.
As such, tapping “harder” doesn't do the trick; but tapping with awareness and paying attention to the contact between your fingertip and your body as you tap really helps.
You can tap with either hand on either side of the bilateral points. Normally people will tap with the index finger of their leading hand on the opposite side of the face. You can choose either side on the bilateral points.
Try now tapping the point under your eye, with your index finger, quite gently and rhythmically, as many times as it takes for you to take a normal breath in and out.
The strength of tapping should be light, just enough so that you feel a resonance from the tapping spreading out across a reasonable part of that side of your face when you pay close attention.
Different people have different speeds of tapping, and the speed of tapping often relates naturally to what we are tapping on. We generally show a tapping speed in the rhythm of "Jingle Bells."
For practice, turn back to the diagram.
Start with the Heart Healing position and tap all the points from the Top Of The Head to the Karate Chop point, ending up with the Heart Healing position at the end, right now to get the feel of doing EFT.
Remember to breathe deeply throughout and move towards finding a rhythm between the tapping and your breath so that the EFT round flows easily and smoothly all the way from the beginning to the end.
A single EFT round is from Heart Healing to Heart Healing, with all the points from the Top of the Head to the Karate Chop point in between.
When you tap EFT for an animal, let the feelings be your guide.
You can feel in your own body when the energy flow starts to improve.
In all modern energy work, it is extremely important to not just "tap the bad feelings away" but to keep tapping further rounds until you feel energized, happy, even joyful.
Once you can feel the pain or the problem has gone, think of positive energy forms you want to send to the animal and tap on those instead - love, courage, joy, strength, health all are good energies to send to the animal you're tapping on.
Keep going until you really feel energy tingling in your own body and you KNOW you did a good job because you can FEEL that you did.
Now, over to you!
Start Practicing and Join The Community of Animal EFT healers!
Print out and practice the new Animal EFT protocol.
- training problems
- house training problems
- health problems
- temperament problems
- relationship problems (what drives YOU crazy!)
- relationship problems with other animals, jealousy, aggression
- attention seeking behaviours, repetitive behaviour disturbances
- stress and nervousness
- fears, phobias, self esteem
- unhappiness, resentfulness, lack of social skills
- sadness, depression, lack of joy in life
- allergies
- pain, discomfort, disturbance, disease
- past traumas, mistreatment, mishandling, misuse
... and anything and everything you can perceive and focus your attention on.
The EFT Heart & Soul Protocol is excellent for your OWN immune system and state of mind and practice makes if not perfect, much better, much faster. Try it on your own animals and on wild animals, because when they respond with visible changes in their behaviour to what you are doing with YOUR energy system, you really know that you have done some magic!
Please feel free to pass on this protocol. Further information, articles and support are available from http://www.animal-eft.org/ and we would ask you to keep the credits intact when reproducing this article.
The Animal EFT Protocol Credits
- Original EFT Design – Gary Craig
- The Animal Energy EFT Protocol - Silvia Hartmann http://1-EFT.com
You can download the EFT for animals protocol for printing out here:
Recommended Further Reading:
Available from all good bookshop or http://DragonRising.com